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Mental Health Case Management

Case management assists individuals experiencing mental health issues and their families with gaining timely access to medical, psychiatric, social, educational, vocational and other supports and making the most of these supports to meet basic needs and enhance quality of life.

What Case Managers do:
Assess needs based on history, diagnosis, strengths, and resources.
Assist in making a plan.
Link to services and supports.
Assist in accessing services and supports.
Coordinate care with other agencies and providers.
Ensure that services and supports identified on the Individualized Service Plan are being delivered.
Enhance connection and involvement in the community.
Monitor how services are going and how the individual is doing.
Educate about symptoms, treatment, medication, side effects, available resources, and programs.
Provide supportive counseling.
Advocate for the individual.
Develop resources.
Educate the community.

Goochland (804) 556-5400 | Powhatan (804) 598-22200
Copyright 2020 by Goochland Powhatan Community Services

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