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Values Statement

It is the vision of Goochland Powhatan Community Services to be recognized by the residents and greater community of Goochland and Powhatan Counties as the best provider of mental health, developmental disabilities and substance use disorder services and as a significant contributor to the overall well-being of these communities.

Goochland Powhatan Community Services is committed to these Guiding Principles:

Maintenance of Ethics and Integrity – Ethics and integrity are the cornerstone of our agency. We are equitable, consistent and maintain standards of excellence in all delivery of services. We value each individual and family served. Every consumer contact is driven by respect, honesty and maintenance of dignity and individual rights. Our consumers come first.

Consumer Focused Services – Our primary focus is to deliver services which are individualized, designed in cooperation with the individual and/or family, accessible to all in need, timely and affordable to everyone.

Quality Staff and Services – We are committed to recruiting, hiring, training and developing the most professional staff possible. We provide innovative, proactive services meeting or exceeding clinical standards for care, consumer expectation, and performance standards of the Board of Directors.

Teamwork and Community Collaboration – We strive to provide the most effective coordination of services to individuals and their families by creating and promoting a collaborative effort based on cooperation, fairness, open communication and shared respect between the staff members, other agencies, individuals and the greater community.

Continuous Process of Evaluation and Improvement – We are active participants in Goochland and Powhatan counties, inviting consumer, staff and community to join in a continuous process of evaluation and improvement. We listen to the voices of service recipients, agencies and employees in planning for and implementing change in the services we provide where possible and appropriate.

Financial Stability – Our Board of Directors focus on maintaining the financial viability of the services provided to consumers. Services are available to any eligible person regardless of economic status. Those who receive our services are expected to use the financial resources available to them to pay for the cost of delivering the service in order to maximize our resources.

Goochland (804) 556-5400 | Powhatan (804) 598-22200
Copyright 2020 by Goochland Powhatan Community Services

Emergency Services, available 24/7: