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In-Home Support Services

This program provides individual supports for residents of Goochland, Powhatan and Hanover who have Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. In-Home Support is a one-on-one support service that focuses on eliminating barriers that prevent individuals from becoming independent in their homes and community.

Our services are tailored to the needs of the individuals and developed in conjunction with them and their family/caregiver.

Community Living: Connect individuals with activities and events in their community

Meaningful Day: Connecting individuals with volunteering opportunities and developing new relationships and experiences

Healthy Living: Participating in healthy lifestyles through education, exercise and diet

Safety Skills: Learning and practicing safety skills

Citizenship: Connecting with the community through recreational and social events

Advocacy: Communicating needs and desires

Our program is funded through the Developmental Disability (DD) Waivers.

Goochland (804) 556-5400 | Powhatan (804) 598-22200
Copyright 2020 by Goochland Powhatan Community Services

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