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Lock and Talk

Prescription opioids are a growing cause of overdose and youth are at risk of misusing opioid medications. The #1 reason youth misuse prescription drugs is the ease of access. Locking up medications is easy…and important!

If you live or work in Goochland County or Powhatan County you can request free tools to help secure not only your medications, but handguns too. Fill out the form below to request these tools or contact Robin Pentecost at if you have any questions. All items will be shipped by USPS Priority Mail, and a specific delivery date can not be guaranteed.

Any information submitted is voluntary, not associated with receipt of GPCS counseling or support services, is not part of a consumer service record, and participation/distribution list is not confidentially maintained. 

Goochland (804) 556-5400 | Powhatan (804) 598-22200
Copyright 2020 by Goochland Powhatan Community Services

Emergency Services, available 24/7: