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Goochland Sheriff’s Department:(804) 556-5348
Powhatan Sheriff’s Department:(804) 598-5656
Goochland Department of Social Services:(804) 556-5880
Powhatan Department of Social Services:(804) 598-5630
Alcoholics Anonymous(804) 355-1212
AL – Anon(804) 353-4885
Narcotics AnonymousMeeting List:
Poison Control Center(800)
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
(Use the VA Relay Service)
Non-English Speaking
(Use Interpretalk)
(800) 305-9673
VA Child Abuse Hotline(800) 552-7096
Adult Protective Services Hotline(888) 832-3858
Winterization – Community Action(804) 598-3351
Domestic Violence–Shelter
(use numbers for Dept of Social Serv. above)

Advance Directives in Virginia

Why are Advance Directives important?

An accident, illness, or mental health crisis can make you unable to make decisions about your health care at any time. An Advance Directive is a legal document that lets you give directions about your care and/or select a trusted decision-maker ahead of time, so that your health care providers will know and honor your wishes if you become too ill to decide for yourself.

To learn more about Advance Directives in Virginia or create one of your own, click on the following link:

Goochland (804) 556-5400 | Powhatan (804) 598-22200
Copyright 2020 by Goochland Powhatan Community Services

Emergency Services, available 24/7: